Corona diary 26 April to 4 May

Corona Diary, Other

The last week has been a roller coaster of ups and downs. I’ve felt sad and grumpy, then was ill for a couple of days and then felt very angry at our government and then I was grumpy again and today I feel OK again.
The absolutely best thing about this week was coming across the Shetland Islands Cliff Cam 3. Every evening we watch the puffins. It is the highlight of the day.


Lockdown Shopping Bingo

Corona Diary, Other

How to play:
1. Write a list of things that you would like to buy, things that are usually always in the shops.
2. Go shopping.
3. See how many you can buy off the list.

I played with Gav. We both wrote lists and he went out to the shops. We both scored 8 out of 11 items.


Corona Lock Down Diary

Corona Diary, Other

I’m doing a Corona lock down diary to help me stay sane and so I can remember what me and Gav got up to. We’re eating better than ever because there’s so much time to cook meals and I think that the food in my Brexit box will last another few weeks (I  panic bought my tins and pasta two years ago when my biggest fear was Brexit), when the Brexit box is empty then the memory of these nice meals might be comforting, already I am rationing the Cheddar biscuits.


Cambodian wedding




Moe and Sheehan married last week at a traditional Cambodian wedding in Kirivong, Cambodia. It was the most amazing and beautiful wedding – 2 days of blessings, celebrations, dancing, making new friends and learning how to chat & count in Khmer. I celebrated with four generations from England, Scotland, Ireland, Peru and Cambodia.

This is a card I drew from the foreign guests (from Ireland, Scotland, England & Peru) to the groom’s mum for her warm and wonderful hospitality.

Margaret Atwood


I went to the Royal Festival Hall for the Living In Future Times Festival, to hear Margaret Atwood discuss her new novel Hag-Seed. She is amazing, intelligent, forward thinking, funny and highly entertaining and interesting.
Also at the Festival Hall, was an installation by Zach Lieberman, featuring text from Hag-Seed which interacts with the observer.
Margaret Atwood