Lockdown 3 – Busy Social Life

Corona Diary

We set up a Shouty Cafe in our garden and ever since we’ve had a constant stream of visitors. The most regular are ‘The Shouties’ – a gang made up of Robin, Wren, a pair of Great Tits and a pair of Blue Tits, and recently a couple of Dunnocks. They come at the same times each day and we often eat our lunches together. The Magpie couple who live in the tree nearby and Blackbird call by sometimes, and for the last few weeks the Wood Pigeons are constantly picking up the dropped seed from under the feeder. Sadly, Old Pigeon may not be with us much longer as he can barely walk. Cheeky Squirrel Nutkin comes and eats the food from the cup feeders that are hung in the hedge.

Lockdown 3 – Gav’s School

Corona Diary

For four afternoons a week for a month two boys came to our flat for ‘Gav’s School’. During lesson times I could overhear what was going on from the safety of my cupboard/office and it was a joy to hear a six & seven year old get so excited by learning. They learned spelling, maths, telling the time, all sorts of interesting science and nature facts and they made a plasticine stop annimation film. In between every class there was a ten minute break and I joined in pillow fights, hide & seek and ‘home taping is killing music’.